On April 14, 2019, the C. G. Jung Institute of New York hosted 25 students from the People’s Republic of China led by their professor Gao Lan Shen. Jungian Analyst, Beth Darlington, organized the event. In the morning, Dr. Darlington guided the group to the Kristine Mann Library where they were greeted by the librarian Lorna Peachin and to the Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) for a tour by curator Ami Ronnberg. In the afternoon, the group watched a film called Women in China: Up Against the Wall, by Jungian Analyst Laurie Schapira. And Gary Trosclair, president of the New York Association for Analytic Psychology (NYAAP) and jazz musician, presented a paper on the Dionysian Foundations of Jazz. Analysts-in-Training, studying Sand Tray with Ilona Melker, joined the group to hear Dr. Shen discuss her experience of working with the victims of the 2008 earthquake in Szechuan.